Magick bottle for Protection

Magick bottle, Home protection:

3 tablespoons of salt, 3 heads of garlic, 3 bay leaves, 3 pinches of basil (Ocimum basilicum), 3 pinches of fennel, 3 pinches of salvia, 3 pinches of black pepper, 3 pinches of anise, 3 pinches of mandrake root, 1 white candle, 1 black candle, 1 dragon blood incense stick (buy in esoteric stores). A glass bottle.
The incense is called dragon's blood because it is made from the tree Dracaena draco L. (dragon tree).

Perform the ritual in the waning or full moon phase, and perform it indoors.

Light the candles and burn the incense.

For each ingredient you put into the bottle, say the following spell:

«Protective sea salt,
Beneficial earth plants,
protect and guard at any time,
day or night;
my house and my possessions,
me and my family who live here.
Get rid of mischief and evildoers.
So be it."

Once finished, shake the bottle so that all the ingredients are well mixed, and say:

«By the power of these substances,
I conjure the protective energies,
I conjure up positive and benefiting energies,
in order to guard my house and my possessions,
in all safety and tranquility,
so that in my house there will be serenity.
So be it. »

Let the candles and incense burn until the end.
Close the bottle tightly and seal it with black candle wax.

Hide the bottle, preferably at the entrance to your home.

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