Kemetic astrology

If out of curiosity you search the internet for Egyptian astrology, you will find contradictory information.

For example, Capricorns born between 22 December and 19 January: some indicate that their Egyptian sign would be Amun-Ra, others say Anubis.

In fact they are both wrong, the real sign is Khnum (which also resembles a ram, but is associated with Capricorn).
This type of error can cause very large changes in the interpretation of the individual's personality, and in the event of any ritual or invocation you are invoking the wrong deity.
There were different dynasties in Egypt and there may be different horoscopes.

A better known representation of the stars and signs is the low relief known as the "Zodiac of Dendera" that was carved on the ceiling of the pronaos (or door) of a chamber dedicated to Osiris in the temple of Hathor of Dendera, in Egypt. He is currently on display at the Louvre in Paris.

But as there are some Greco-Roman engravings (Taurus, Aries, Scorpio), some believe that the Egyptians were inspired by the zodiac of other cultures, including the Babylonian one (MUL.APIN clay tablet with zodiac signs).

The Sumerians were the first to apply myths to constellations and astrology and to describe the 12 signs of the zodiac.

I like to study occultism and Egyptian mythology, or rather Kemetic (Kemet was ancient Egypt) in old books (and I compared several books) I found this table of astrological correspondences:

You can have confidence, which is the correct list:

If born between:

August 23 to September 22 : God Tehuti (Toth).
September 23 to October 22: Maat.
October 23 to November 21: Wadjet
November 22 to December 21: Mut.
December 22 to January 19: Khnum.
January 20th to February 18th: SHU.
February 19 to March 20: AST or Auset (Isis).
March 21 to April 19: Ausar (Osiris).
April 20 to May 21: Ptah
May 22 to June 20: Heru (Horus).
June 21 to July 22: Khepera.
July 23 to August 22: Sekhmet.

Some esoteric sites have names of different deities (Neteru), remember that Kemetic astrology is thousands of years old, some books in the West have been poorly translated, in addition the names
we know popularly of the Egyptian deities were adapted by the Greeks, we know Horus, Isis, Anubis among others, but these names were westernized, they are not in the original kemetic language.

Anubis would be Anpu, Osiris would be Ausar or wsjr, Isis would be Auset or AST, Horus would be Heru and so on. Does the phonetics of the name make a difference?
Of course, sounds are mantric vibrations, they emit frequencies, by invoking a deity and pronouncing the wrong intonation of your name , what do you think will attract?

Neter = God.

Neteru (plural gods).

Now I will describe the personality of each sign, depending on the Egyptian deity.

In order not to get too long a text (with dozens of pages) I will not describe the mythology, that is, the life of the deities, I will focus only on the personality of the sign:

Tehuti (Toth):

Tehuti is the guardian of divine order, all rituals and secret knowledge. He is also the god who presides over magicians and all the learning of the occult.
In the individual's search for enlightenment, Tehuti is the symbol of right reason; our bond with the higher self.

Personality traits:
A remarkable capacity for analysis. Direct mental communication that leads to moments of insights.
They tell the truth without fear. I have been given to the point of being demanding and precise in detail.
Inquisitive mind.
More self-critical (but doesn't like to be criticized by others).
Usually the one who initiates, plans and organizes events. He knows how to solve problems.
An abundance of mental energy, they have a good memory.
Excellent memory. Clean and methodical.
Sociable and receptive.
Practical, reliable, loyal and reliable.
Suitable occupations include writing (including music, symbolic writing).
Excellent teachers and speakers. They can also become writers or journalists.
They are attracted to people with the same values.
Tendency to be outgoing (spend a lot of money).

Organs in the body that may be more sensitive:
Abdominals, small intestine, duodenum and colon.

Good crystals: Peridot, sapphire.
Protects the aura, provides protection. Purifies dense energies.

Goddess Maat:

It symbolizes Justice, Order. As a celestial tutor, she will assist you in understanding complex issues and ideas. She was one of Ra's daughters.

Personality traits:
Excellent mediator. Affable.
Charming. They always play fair.
Good negotiator. Argumentative.
Sometimes unable to compromise.
Long, graceful arms like Maat's outstretched wings.
Persuasive form of expression (see both sides of the argument).
Able to discuss your point of view.
It may have an eccentric streak, hated by some loved by others.

Organs in the body that can be sensitive:

Good crystal:
Opal can be used to disperse infections, purify blood and kidneys and regulate insulin production.

Wadjet or Udjat:

She was represented as a serpent goddess. Another representation of this serpent was Uraeus, the serpent that appeared on the forehead of pharaohs (represents the third vision, chakra ajna).

She was associated with the earth and represented as a woman with the head of a snake or a snake with the head of a woman.

Personality traits:
Anxious and quick to learn.
Logical and calculating mind.
Excellent time (patiently waiting to attack).
Find practical solutions to problems where others have failed. Eyes to the details.
Great dancers.
It has a hypnotic quality.
It thrives in hot climates.
Passionate and sensual.
It can be relentless.
It doesn't deal well with (relationship) breakups.

Most sensitive organs: Genitals.
Urinary tract infection, yeast infections, etc.
However, when you have an illness or injury, you recover quickly.

Gemstone: Grenade (garnet).
Protects, provides confidence to overcome obstacles. Helps to strengthen the immune system.


She was Amon's wife and Khensu's adopted mother . Powerful goddess in the 18th dynasty.
Mut means the great Mother.
Mut guarantees immunity to damage, protection from injury or destruction.

Personality traits:
Idealistic and spiritual people. They like philosophy and mysticism.
Honest. They adapt to any situation. Sensitive and affectionate.
They can be shy. Only when approaching someone, do they show their knowledge, wisdom and generosity.
They know how to attract others with their charm and patience.

Most sensitive body organs:
Thighs, hip problems. And liver problems.

Gemstone: Sodalite.
It helps to cancel some of its negative potentialities, among them: impatience and lack of diplomacy.
It amplifies intuition.

Khnum or Khunum:

This god has the head of a ram, but is still associated with the figure of the goat, hence the association with capricorn.
In Portuguese also known as Quenúbis.
Khnum represents the procreative energies that animate, bring vital force or excitement; the process of starting an inanimate entity.
It was also linked to the creation of human beings, it created their bodies and their soul (ka).

Personality traits:
Analytical. Confident and authoritarian.
They can create opportunities for anything. They are entrepreneurial people, with a vision for business and success.

Sensitive organs:

Gemstone: Onyx.
It provides concentration and self-control, balances energies and brings protection.
Fight apathy.

God Shu:

God of dry air.
Shu is responsible for separating the sky from the earth, he also created the stars.
It gives us dreams of healing and inspirations.

Personality traits:
Theycan fit into any situation and have tremendous creative potential. Many are theatrical and are able to effortlessly captivate an audience.
They are able to argue their case or that of the least unhappy with eloquence.
They share a close affinity with nature, in addition to a highly developed spirituality.
Intuitive / Instinctive.
Inspirational speech.

Most sensitive organs:
Ankles. Skeletal system.
A highly active immune system means that you can occasionally suffer from problems such as hay fever, asthma or skin rashes.

Gemstone: Blue tourmaline.
Attracts positive vibes, favors thinking, reason, brings mental clarity, inspiration and protects relationships, especially friendships. It also has the function of fighting insomnia and promotes peaceful sleep.

Goddess Auset (Isis):

One of the main deities, she was Osiris' wife and they had a son (Horus), an Egyptian trinity; Isis, Osiris and Horus.
Several temples were built in his honor.
Auset rules pregnancy. It is the embodiment of the instinctive faculties that govern our ability to care for and nurture others.
She was familiar with the secrets of magick, agriculture and medicine.

Personality traits:
An ideal spouse.
They seek a romantic relationship with enterprising and carefree people. They are sociable people who like to give advice to others.
If  are a woman will be a protective mother .
Holistic visions and ideas.
Not so , and they speak impulsively at times.

Most sensitive organs:
Head (may have migraines regularly).

Gemstone: Amethyst.
Stimulates intuition, meditation and spiritual growth. Helps to overcome harmful habits that harm the body. Eliminates imbalances, brings strength, peace, emotional stability and eases stress.

Ausar (Osiris):

This well-known god was the husband of Isis, father of Horus. The legend is known that he was killed by his brother Seth.
Isis later resurrected him, so Osiris symbolizes the overcoming of death, rebirth, lord of life.
He was the one who judged the dead in the "Room of the Two Truths", where the heart was weighed.
Ausar represents new life and second chances.
The forces of Ausar Infuse vitality into the innate life force that is in all things. Allow appreciation for life, especially when that hibernating force is hindered or blocked.

People under this influence sometimes undergo changes, personality changes, renew themselves, are reborn. Intense and sentimental emotions.
They can be very energetic and strong, but also indecisive.
They adapt to various situations.
People of this sign are very independent and do not like to follow the orders of others.
Born leaders are born and confidently use this ability to achieve their goals. In love they are usually jealous.

Sensitive organs:
Feet. Lymphatic System.
It is a sponge, absorbing toxic energy that can affect their immune system.

Gemstone: Red jasper.
Helps channel impulsivity. It stimulates the capacity for expression, understanding certain events and adapting to certain situations.


Ptah, or P okay. God of artisans and architects . He was Sekhmet's husband.
The Greeks knew him as the god Hephaestus. Ptah was associated with several gods, perhaps the most important being the association with the god Tatenen (a primordial god of creation).
Ptah's energy is related to the state of being full of life or vigor - the state of being alive. Male fertility. Ptah's powers are concerned with increasing the life force on earth.

Personality traits:
People with the ability to create, intellectuals. Patients and determined.
Focused. Manly. Power of creativity. They like to be connected to the arts.

Organs: Head, Brain, and Eyes.

Rose quartz.
This stone radiates softness and favors love. It brings tranquility, comfort and strengthens self-esteem. It is indicated to balance emotions, develop the ability to forgive.

Heru (Horus):

God of the heavens and the living. Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris.
Represented with a hawk's head. He lost an eye in the battle against Seth, but he won and became king.
Heru represents the subtle spiritual realization of spirit and matter united as one.
Its power brings courage and confidence to someone's convictions; allowing progress to occur despite obstacles.
Heru brings rewards for great effort and dedicated work. Their influence makes good decisions when managing other people's affairs in the family or business.

Personality traits:
Very clever. They like to study religious subjects. They are workers.
They are leaders who motivate and inspire others. The people of Horus have a strong will and can be stubborn. They put the needs of their families above their own, acting selflessly for the benefit of those they love.

Sensitive organs:
Arms. Throath, neck.

Gemstone: Citrine.
Associated with professional success, this stone helps to improve mood, invigorates energy, joy, favors working relationships, combats stress and lack of enthusiasm. It brings mental clarity and focus on goals.


Also known as Khepri.
Sometimes represented with a human figure and scarab face, other times a scarab holding the solar disk, compared to the forces that move the sun.
He was responsible for "rolling" the sun out of the Duat (underworld) at the end of his journey, and making it reborn the next day.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the beetles were loaded with the substance of death. For this reason, they still associated Khepri with rebirth (or reincarnation), renewal and resurrection.
There are amulets made of lapis lazuli crystal in the shape of a scarab, for protection.
Khepera represents the type of matter that contains the germ of life that is about to appear in a new existence; thus, it represents the dead body from which the spirit is about to arise - salvation.

Personality traits:
Intuitive, they create their own opportunities.
Diligent, very active.
Well intentioned.
Joyful, optimistic.
Tendency to defend the situation of the unfortunate.
Power to inspire confidence and enthusiasm in others.
From childhood, they make it clear that they have a will of their own.
Courageous with competitive spirit.
Good company.
They like to be alone, but they are not shy or reclusive.
Sometimes your need for occasional loneliness can be misinterpreted and misinterpreted.
They make encouraging parents always encouraging and supportive.
They tend to 'not know when to stop'.

Sensitive organs:

Gemstone: Green quartz.
This stone attracts luck, has the property of reducing fears and combats restlessness. It also favors organization, brings objectivity, emotional well-being and helps to plan for the future.


Lioness-headed goddess. It is your energy (Sekhm) that is used in Egyptian reiki / Seichem , similar to prana energy.
Element fire, feminine energy, protector , warrior, but also goddess of healing.
She is a protector of soldiers, police and psychic healers and holistic therapists. Ptah's wife.

"It is she who opens the way for spiritual evolution, destroying the evil of ignorance and sin in the human heart".

Personality traits:
Loyal. Honest.
Determined. Dynamic. Disciplined. Organized.
Workers. Sometimes they like to rule. Sometimes arrogant.
Sometimes they miss a good opportunity. But on the other hand, they know how to see something positive in the obstacles and overcome them. Good at sports.

Sensitive organs:

Amber, despite being considered stone, is actually a fossilized resin.

Amber allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy . Can be used in the appropriate chakra to facilitate opening and cleaning. Stimulates and opens the crown of the crown. It was burned in medieval times , as a fumigant and as an incense to cleanse the environment of negativity.


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