Halloween Night



Halloween night (known as the night of the witches) is a millenary tradition of the Celts, it appeared more than 3,000 years ago.

The Celts celebrated the festival of Samhain, which lasted for 3 days, starting on the 31st of October. In it, in addition to celebrating the end of summer, the passing of the Celtic year, which began on November 1st, was celebrated.

It was believed that on that day the dead rose and took over the bodies of the living. For this reason, costumes were used and the party was full of dark artifacts with the main purpose of defending themselves from these evil spirits.

The first record of the term Halloween is from around 1745. It is a contraction of the Scottish term "All Hallows' Eve", which means eve of All-Saints' Day (Hallows: saints).

Later, during the Middle Ages, the Church began to condemn the event, and hence the term “Halloween”.

History aside, we know that most people like to celebrate this night in different ways, in bars and clubs or with friends, drinking cocktails, dressing up as a witch or wizard, vampire, decorating the environment with figurines and pumpkins and skulls , etc. You can have fun, it's healthy... But be smart and do a ritual of protection or distancing yourself from rivals, because that night some of those opponents are sure to be doing witchcraft.

Pantacle of Mars

Protection magick Jar

Magick powder for Protection

Magick bottle for Protection

To bless your Home.

Prayer to Eshu

Clear envy and negativity from your aura.

Take a branch of rue and light a white candle.

In your left hand, hold the branch of rue, pass through the body as if you were "sweeping" negative energies and say:


Take the twig of rue and break it into small pieces, and burn it in the candle flame, leave it in a saucer.


"I ask the superior forces to unveil the veil for me and always keep it covered for others. May your misleading perceptions and your envy never touch me."

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