This magick powder is a powder to be used in love rituals.
15 gr of benzoin; 15 gr of cinnamon; 15 gr of galangal (ginger lao); 15 gr of clove; 15 gr of incense; 30 gr of myrrh; 3 drops of orchid oil;
3 drops of lotus oil; 3 drops of rose oil; 3 drops of jasmine oil; 3 drops of honey; 1 pinch of dried iris seeds (Iridaceae).
1 red or pink candle; 1 glass bowl
Prepare this powder on a Friday in a new moonlit night, by candlelight.
Put benzoin, cinnamon, galangal, cloves, incense and myrrh in the bowl. Mix everything very well, with your hands. Then add honey, oils and seeds.
Mix it and say:
"By the ancient power of Isis, supreme goddess of many names, goddess of love and divine motherhood,
I consecrate you and dedicate this dust, as an instrument of the magic of love,
By the power of the sun, by the power of the moon,
May this dust of love be carried away with the power of Isis.
Great lady of all mysteries, great lady of magic,
holder of mystical secrets,
Blessed are the names of Ahio, Ariaha, Arainas and Kha.
So be it,
For me to enchant my chosen one. "
Cover the bowl so that it is tightly closed and store it in the dark until the next new moon. At that time, grind the ingredients with the mortar and pestle, until a very fine powder is obtained.
Use this powder in love rituals, such as "love powder."
You can also use this powder as an incense to attract love, that is, take a charcoal tablet and make it burn with a pinch of this powder.