For Health

First of all, a small recommendation, if you have any symptoms of a more serious illness, it is recommended to go to the doctor, obviously magic never substitutes for clinical care and medical examinations.
Simple health spells are designed to alleviate symptoms of lack of energy, weakness, depression, anxiety, headache, energy imbalances or clearing the evil eye, as prevention by keeping diseases away, etc. Anyway, less aggravated things.

Ancient spell to keep away any negative energy that could harm your health.

Cornflour or oat flakes, 5 green candles, eucalyptus oil, rose oil, 1 white candle. Rosemary incense.

On a full moon night (always choose the first three days of the full moon, because after the third day it starts to wane), draw a pentagram on the floor with cornflour or oat flakes.

Place a green candle anointed with eucalyptus essential oil at each end of the pentagram and hold a white candle, anointed with rose essential oil, in your hands.
Burn rosemary incense during this magical operation.

Visualize a green light that surrounds your whole body for a few minutes and turn to the East, reciting the prayer created by Alberto Magno three times:

Ofano, Oblano, Ospergo, Hola Noa, Massa Lux Beff,
Clemati Adonai, Cleona florit, Pax Sax Sarax, Afa Afaca Nostra, Cerum Heaium, Lada frium.

This ritual is recommended for anyone who wants to fortify their protective shield against diseases of all kinds. Do it at least once a year.

Egyptian health Spell:

1 blue candle, rose incense, 1 liturgical charcoal tablet.
Charcoal has several different names, some call it vegetal or liturgical coal, self-curing coal, etc. You can buy it in esoteric stores, if you can't find it you can use ordinary incense sticks with a rose scent.

Light the blue candle, and burn the incense on a coal tablet. Focus on the person who is sick and repeat this spell out loud 3 times:

"I invoke you Isis,
Goddess of compassion,
In order that you release (name of the sick person),
From the evil he suffers,
Atherneklesia, Athernebouni, Labisachthi,
Chomochoochi Isi Souse Mounte
Tintoreo Iobast Bastai Ribat Chribat
May your love and compassion be with (name of the patient) ”

Thank the Goddess.

Magick powder for Health:

Ingredients: 2 parts of eucalyptus; 1 part of pine; 1 part of rosemary; 1 part of parsley; 1 mortar.

Instructions: Take a mortar, put the herbs inside and reduce them to a fine powder. The herbs should be very dry.

Say the following spell:

"May these herbs keep me in good health, truly enchanted herbs, colds, coughs and ills will not come in, because the herbs are here to protect me."

Put some of this powder on your sheets at the bottom of your clothes closet. Walk a little bit of this powder with you, in a fabric bag. You can store what is left in a tightly closed bottle, protected from light.

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