To find a Job

Obviously, to find a job, it's not enough to do magick, you have to answer ads, go to interviews, etc.
However, magick serves to help and attract good luck.

A recent newspaper, 1 white candle, honey, cinnamon.

On a full moon day, cut out the job classifieds sheet, fold it into four parts.
Place the candle on the ground, over the newspaper sheet, light the candle, pour honey and cinnamon around it.
Focus on the candle flame, visualize a good job.
Let the candle burn to the end.
All these remains should be buried in a pot with a plant, water the plant and take good care of it.


2 white or yellow candles, toothpick, green thread.

Take the toothpick and write your name on one of the candles and on the other the phrase “I need a job”, tie each one three times.
Light the two candles and pray to Saint Expeditus with all your intentions.


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