Smudging with orange Peels

Did you know that you can use dried orange peels to smudge and purify the house?
In feng shui this practice is common.

Dried orange peels. 1 white dish. 1 small white candle (can be one with an aluminum base).

First wash some oranges well and peel them with a knife. You can cut the shells into smaller pieces.

Leave to dry in the sun, on a tray, for a few days.

Take these dry peels. Open the windows of the house.
Place a piece of orange peel over the candle flame until it burns.

Make your intention:

"With this ceremony, I remove all negativity and replace it with positive energy"

Go through the rooms of the house, with this smoke, starting at the entrance door and then each room in the house, from left to right ...
So visit a room on your left (be it a bedroom, hallway, kitchen, etc.), then visit the room on the right, so on.

The remains of bark and candle, can be thrown in the trash.
The dish can be washed and used in the future.


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