Prayer to Exú Tranca Rua das Almas (Eshú lock street of souls).
To open your roads.
Translated from Portuguese Afro-Brazilian magick.
The name from Portuguese cannot be translated accurately, "Eshú lock street of souls" It means this Eshú is the Lord of the Souls and he rules all the paths (roads), and also our paths symbolically.
«Lord Eshú of the Souls, lord of the seventh degree of evolution of the greater law of Ogum, knowledgeable of all the magick and workings practiced by beings without light, intercede on my way freeing me of all the energy that may hinder my evolution;
make my thoughts a closed door to envy, discord and selfishness.
Of the seven paths you passed, it was on the street that you became the rightful owner, opening the doors for the spirits who deserve help and evolution and closing for those who want to practice evil and envy against their fellowmen.
Make my heart purer than my own actions;
from my words the transparency of humility;
Make my body an apparatus of charity.
Because your demand with me will not exist, I will be covered by your cloack that protects and shelters your children.
Lord of the Souls I thank you for all that you have made me learn in this life and in others that I passed by your side, I pray for you the protection for me, for my brothers of faith, for my family and why not for my enemies.
Bless and keep these children who once understood the true meaning of the word Umbanda.
Save Eshú Streets locker of the Soulds and all Eshús! Laroiê Eshu! »
At the end it is recommended to make an offering, some books recommend preparing some cooking and leaving it as an offering (ebó), some are complex.
But you can choose something simpler, light 7 candles (half black and red) in honor of Eshú, then leave the remains at a crossroads (only 3 ways, which forms a Y), together you can also offer
a new bottle of whiskey or Bourbon.