Pomba gira of seven Skirts- Love

Say this prayer for love, to the Pomba Gira of the seven skirts.

Translated from Portuguese Afro-brazilian Umbanda.

In addition to prayer, it is a good idea to leave an offering at a crossroads.
This entity likes champagne (new, unopened bottle), red roses, cigarillos and a deck of cards, in life she loved doing cartomance.

Legend says that this gypsy was banned by the family from dating a non-gypsy man (gadjó, or gadjim), so she went on a hunger strike until she passed away.
Her mother, while watching over the body last farewell, put seven skirts and a deck of cards next to her. The gypsy of the seven skirts on the spiritual plane started to deal with cases of impossible love.


«Laróiè pomba gira, laróiè seven skirts. May (person's name) come to me today like never before to anyone, that his love for me will grow day after day in an uncontrollable way so that he cannot take another second away from me!

Laróiè pomba gira, laróiè seven skirts. May (person's name) lose all desire to eat, drink and even sleep while not beside me, clinging to me, very crazy with love, crazy with longing and completely in love with all of me.

Laróiè pomba gira, laróiè seven skirts. That (name of the person) does not want anything or anyone else except me, that removes from his life all the people who wish us badly and all the things that can harm our love and all our strong relationship.

Gipsy Pomba Gira, make my love with (person's name) stronger than ever and tie our relationship so that we are just one.
It brings our thoughts together and makes our love inseparable for any human and non-human being.
May (person's name) dream of me every night and dream of our beautiful relationship next to each other forever and ever.
It makes us strong, passionate and completely inseparable.
Bind our relationship, strengthen our love and chain our hearts to each other.
I thank you for listening to me and I thank you for using your powers of attraction in my relationship.»

Remember the offering at the crossroads, red roses, champagne, cigarillos or a deck of cards. It doesn't have to be all items, but at least two items.

The crossroads should have only 3 paths (y shape). Never four.
You can also light a red candle during the prayer.

It is also important to leave a lit candle, half black and half red, for the guardian Eshú of this crossroads. Not all websites do reveal this important detail.


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