Pantacle of Mars

This recipe I took from an old formulary of High Magick.

Draw this Mars pantacle, with a red feather (bird feather) and red magic ink (buy in esoteric stores).
You must draw this pantacle on virgin parchment. The time indicated is a Mars hour (for example Saturday at 10 am or 3 am).
Friday at 06:00 in the morning.

See table of magic hours here.

An example of red magic ink (in esoteric stores) can be dragon blood, it has this name and red color because it is produced based on the resin of the Dragon tree (Dracaena).

This parchment pantacle can be used in a pocket or wallet to protect against ambushes, or the law of return from spells you have performed.

Pantacles are symbols that have a magickal or esoteric meaning. Do not confuse with pentacles that have a more restricted meaning.
They can be drawn or engraved on parchments, skins, or metal talismans. The word Pantacle, of greek origin, is composed of pan (everything, whole) and kleo, which means "honor", or even, "renown".
They symbolize, capture and mobilize, at the same time, occult powers, both of the cosmos, of the planets and stars, of nature and especially of the internal worlds of man himself, are channels of receptivity of cosmic energy.


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