The phases of the moon, as you must have read in some book, have their importance.
Each lunar phase has an influence, first at a symbolic and subconscious level, and also due to the changes of each lunar phase and its magnetism.
Waning phase, at a symbolic and subconscious level, transmits us something that diminishes, we are on the way to the New moon.
We can do rituals to "dismantle" or cut something, to ward off bad influences.
The phase of the crescent moon conveys something that is going to grow, a stage that is conducive to rituals to attract something, amplify the effect of something.
We know that lunar magnetism influences the tides on Earth, the reproductive cycle of some animals, the lunar cycle of 28 days and the menstrual cycle in women, the human psyche and the human body (which is made up of 75% water) obviously suffer influences too.
Some female deities are associated with the Moon, Hecate, Selene, Artemis, Chandra in Hinduism, Losna for the Etruscans. That is why in some rituals these divinities are invoked.
At each phase of the Moon, the Greeks associated a goddess. Selene more or less corresponded to the Full Moon; Artemis, the Fourth Crescent; and Hecate to the last quarter and the New Moon.
New Moon:
Phase in which the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, therefore being in conjunction with the Sun. At that time, the unlighted face of the Moon is facing almost directly towards the Earth, so that it is not visible to the naked eye. . At this stage, meditation, introspection is recommended. But after a few days (when the moon is about to leave that phase and appear as a crescent) then sowing and awakening are recommended, spells to start something new in your life, changes, a change of job or situation. Health magic. Good lunar phase for spiritual work to resolve lawsuits held in court. Good stage for ebós (offerings) of spiritual cleansing and counter-spells.
Recommended candle colors: Purple, brown.
Crescent moon:
Phase to grow and evolve. You can do any spell that serves to attract something new, magnify the effect of something. Spells to attract love, friendships, health, luck, employment. Excellent moon to strengthen spirituality with herbal baths.
Colors indicated for candles: Blue.
Full moon:
In addition to being at its peak, representing the goddess, seduces us with its clarity and illuminates the night. Its magnetism is stronger.
You can do, in a similar way to the crescent moon, spells to attract something, amplify the effect of something or reinforce a spell already made previously.
Love or sex spells, health, protection, luck, money, whatever. Magic to attract loved one back.
Recommended candle colors: Red, pink, white.
Waning Moon:
As the decline phase symbolically transmits to us (and the moon is waning) it is a good phase to cut the unwanted in your life, spells to reduce or cut something. It is a good time to work rituals to neutralize negative people or those who are harming us, ward off illnesses, break spells, end relationships, smoke the house, among others.
Colors indicated for candles: orange, black.
The days of the week also have meaning, and astrological correspondence.
Sunday (Sun day) is the day ruled by the Sun. Monday is Moon day. Saturday (Saturn day) day ruled by Saturn.
Monday: This day is under the regency of the Moon, Selene's spiritual forces govern it; in white magic, it is a favorable day for work related to success in love and fertility; in black magick, it is a fundamental day for carrying out mooring work, deviating paths, creating illusions.
Tuesday: This day is ruled by the spiritual strength of Mars. Both in black and white magick, it is therefore a favorable day to perform rituals for the purpose of conquests, matters related to possession, issues of disputes or conflicts.
Wednesday: This day is governed by the spiritual forces of Mercury. That is why it is a favorable time for magical works related to intelligence, mental evolution, travel matters and divination. In black magick, this day can be used in matters of intrigue, lies, falsehoods, thefts, evils of envy or plagues, etc.
Thursday: Day is ruled by Jupiter. All other rituals, therefore, must pass through this day, in order to attract the highly powerful forces that emanate in this period of time. Issues of prosperity, victories and achievements must therefore be reinforced in this chronological period, if not even started on this day.
Friday: This day is ruled by Venus. For this very reason, both in white and black magick, this is the right day for the celebration of works related to love, eroticism, sexuality. Moorings, reconciliations, love conquests, are found on the ruling of this day and its energy. In black magick, together with Monday (Lunar day), these are the dates on which love spells are carried out and reinforced.
Saturday: This day is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the most fearful of spiritual forces, because with it comes pests, misfortunes, mourning, losses, master of karma and destiny. The power of Saturn's energies is relentless, which is why in white magick this force is moderated in order to create protections, whereas in black magick this force is increased in order to create unstoppable harm.
Sunday: Day ruled by the Sun. If Saturday is the most favorable day for the practice of black magick, Sunday is the opposite, being an ideal day for the practice of white magic. It is therefore recommended that the celebration of white magic works be carried out on this day. It is not a coincidence that Eucharistic Masses, which are held for the purpose of enhancing a strong invocation of light and God, are held on Sunday. Also a veiled way of worshiping the Sun (Sun+day).