Knot magick

In the occult they usually write magic with "k" at the end to differentiate royal witchcraft from stage magic, Aleister Crowley at Thelema and also Wicca practitioners popularized the word magic (magick) with "k".

There are some spells of gypsy magic and Afro-Brazilian sympathies that use knots on a string, to "tie" or tie someone else's life.

What counts is the intention and visualization while knotting.

An old custom to keep lovers from the husband or wife away was to take the person's underwear (panties), tie 3 knots and place it under the mattress (on the side where you sleep).

This practice is ancient and is said to have been practiced in ancient Egypt. Any type of cord would do, in traditions of some cults they would bless or ritualize the cord with consecrated water and prayers, then they would use that cord around their waist.

In magic everything has meaning.

The color of each string, thread or string, symbolizes the intention, for love red threads can be used, white is neutral and black string for revenge or defense against enemies for example, the phases of the moon are also respected. The number of nodes is also symbolic, they can be 7 nodes, 9 nodes, etc. You can pass the cord with the knots through the incense smoke (depending on the spell) and hide or bury that cord near the person's house, there are many variants.

To keep a rival away:

Take a string, think about that person, tie 9 knots saying:

"I bind you, (that person's name), to prevent you from harming yourself and others."

When finished, say:

"Three times three, I bind you (name), to not harm others."

Then burn the thread so that the knots can never be broken


Gypsy ribbons:

Take three stripes, ribbons (wirstbands) of 1m each, one green, one white and one red.
A white envelope, a thin steel nail, a steel shim.

In red write your loved one's name, in white write your own name. On the green band write your wish (what you want from this relationship).
Join the three bands and tie knots, tying each other, until you can not knot more.
Join the bands inside the envelope, together with the steel shim and nail. Place the envelope under the mattress.

One day if you want to undo the spell just burn the envelope and the bands, throwing the ashes in the trash.

Note: I don't know the correct word in english, because ribbons can also be elastic, fabric bands or stripes sometimes has different names.
The picture bellow is an example


In Egypt they also make knot magic.
Knotted cords are linked with Anubis, who as god of mummification was concerned with wrapping and binding. Rope was very important in ancient Egypt and
was an essential part of many hunting techniques, all of which were used symbolically against supernatural enemies.

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