A brief description of the various Magick Systems:
Sometimes I write magick or magickal instead of "magic", the "K" serves to differentiate witchcraft (real magic) from illusionism. In occult grimoires and occult circles they always refer to magic as magick.
Witchcraft System:
Witchcraft is a mixture of classical magic methods (Wiccan Celtic magic, shamanism, stregheria, and others), with natural magic practices (use of candles, incense, herbs, baths, potions, etc.), worshiping pagan entities in general.
High Magick:
It demands an intellectual development together with the psychic development whose usefulness is necessary; the techniques used are ritual, mental, sexual, aimed at spiritual development and contact with the worlds or higher planes, with external manifestation or not, on the physical plane, of this Enlightenment. The procedure is more ceremonial.
Astral Magick:
All operations at this level are identical to all those practiced at the three levels previously described, except that they are performed only in the mental sphere, that is, in the magician's mind. Therefore, everything happens on the magician's inner planes, from the construction of his temple to the most practical operations.
(Qabbalah, Kabalah, magic formulas):
Many occult schools that use Kabbalah as part of their teachings, do so using the so-called theoretical kabbalah, which is based on the hieroglyph of the tree of life and its attributions. Few schools use practical kabbalah, like the one taught by Franz Bardon.
The differences between practical and theoretical kabbalah are many, but, as a main distinction, in theoretical cabala personal enrichment is only at the theoretical level, that is, intellectual, while in practice you learn, understand, live the reality of the mysticism of letters.
The same knowledge that was used to create everything in the universe. It is both dogmatic and pragmatic.
Chaos Magick:
Sometimes I write magick or magickal instead of "magic", the "K" serves to differentiate witchcraft (real magic) from illusionism. In occult grimoires and occult circles they always refer to magic as magick.
Witchcraft System:
Witchcraft is a mixture of classical magic methods (Wiccan Celtic magic, shamanism, stregheria, and others), with natural magic practices (use of candles, incense, herbs, baths, potions, etc.), worshiping pagan entities in general.
High Magick:
It demands an intellectual development together with the psychic development whose usefulness is necessary; the techniques used are ritual, mental, sexual, aimed at spiritual development and contact with the worlds or higher planes, with external manifestation or not, on the physical plane, of this Enlightenment. The procedure is more ceremonial.
Astral Magick:
All operations at this level are identical to all those practiced at the three levels previously described, except that they are performed only in the mental sphere, that is, in the magician's mind. Therefore, everything happens on the magician's inner planes, from the construction of his temple to the most practical operations.
(Qabbalah, Kabalah, magic formulas):
Many occult schools that use Kabbalah as part of their teachings, do so using the so-called theoretical kabbalah, which is based on the hieroglyph of the tree of life and its attributions. Few schools use practical kabbalah, like the one taught by Franz Bardon.
The differences between practical and theoretical kabbalah are many, but, as a main distinction, in theoretical cabala personal enrichment is only at the theoretical level, that is, intellectual, while in practice you learn, understand, live the reality of the mysticism of letters.
The same knowledge that was used to create everything in the universe. It is both dogmatic and pragmatic.
Chaos Magick:
(Chaos Magic, Kaos Magick, Circle of Chaos, Circle of Chaos, I.O.T. - Illuminates of Thanateros, Illuminates of Thanateros). The name Thanateros derives from "Thanatos" (god of death) and "Eros" (god of sex).
Thanatos (from the Greek θάνατος, that is Thánatos, personification of "death").
The chaos magic comes from the work of Austin Osman Spare, rediscoverer of the Cult of Priapo.
Chaos magick practitioners consider themselves magical heirs to Aleister Crowley (and O.T.O.) and Austin Osman Spare (and Zos-Kia Cultus).
Your system seeks to encompass everything that is valid and practical in magic, discarding everything that is more complex than necessary. It is characterized by not having prejudices against any form of magic, as long as it works.
Planetary magick:
Thelemic system:
Thanatos (from the Greek θάνατος, that is Thánatos, personification of "death").
The chaos magic comes from the work of Austin Osman Spare, rediscoverer of the Cult of Priapo.
Chaos magick practitioners consider themselves magical heirs to Aleister Crowley (and O.T.O.) and Austin Osman Spare (and Zos-Kia Cultus).
Your system seeks to encompass everything that is valid and practical in magic, discarding everything that is more complex than necessary. It is characterized by not having prejudices against any form of magic, as long as it works.
Planetary magick:
The Planetary Magick System was created by the group “Aurum Solis”; it is based on rituals designed to evoke or invoke “Olympic spirits”, planetary entities (Intelligences), or archetypes (of the arcana of the tarot, mythological beings or gods, among others). It is a practical, complete, efficient system.
Related: The Solomonic system consists of the use of sigils and spiers of planetary intelligences, which will be evoked, or invoked on talismans and spiers.
Some forms of magic such as "The clavicles of Solomon" (or the Key of Solomon, depending on the country and titles), "The lesser Key of Solomon" or "The sacred magic of Abramelin the Mage" contain magick squares with gematria and pantacles with symbols of planetary spirits, as well as making talismans.
Hermetic System:
Much publicized in the works of Franz Bardon, a system based on the teachings of Hermetism.
The Hermetic System preaches a gradual development of energies in the human being, starting from simple breathing exercises and mental concentration, until the mastery of the elements (elemental magic), from there to magical evocation, astral magic, and even Kabbalah, one learns the mysticism of letters and the magical use of words and sentences.
Enochian Magick:
System based on the language of the Enochian "angels", it is not proven whether these entities would be fallen angels or some other type of entities, or even extraterrestrials like the Anunnaki.
This system was discovered by John Dee and Edward Kelley; later, it was perfected by the Golden Dawn, by Aleister Crowley and his followers, say that it is a functional, yet complex system of learning the correct writing or intonation of the Enochian.
Contact with elementals, angels, or demons is sought and with the guardian angel himself. Some experts say that the famous “Ark of the Union” is the “Tablet of the Union”, a fundamental part of this system. This "Union tablet" is available to any magician who crosses the "Great outer abyss", after passing through the sub-plane of ZAX, in the Akashic, etheric or "spirit" plane, where the sub-planes located.
Thelemic system:
What is thelema? Thelema (/ θəˈliːmə /) is a religious philosophy based on a postulate of the same name, adopted as a fundamental principle by some occult organizations, developed in the early 1900s by Aleister Crowley, was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, was the co-founder of A∴A∴ (Astrum Argentum) and, later, an O.T.O leader (Ordo Templi Orientis).
Thelema, in Greek, means will. Crowley channeled messages from an alien gray-looking being named Aiwass contacted him and dictated a text known as The "Book of the Law" or "Liber AL vel Legis", which outlined the principles of Thelema.
The Thelemic pantheon includes a number of deities, mainly a trio adapted from the ancient Egyptian religion, who are the three speakers of the Book of the Law: Nuit, Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Crowley described these deities as a "literary convenience".
Sexual Magick:
This type of magick combines some techniques of Tantra, plus magnetization of sigils through energy during orgasm, when our magnetism increases and altered states of consciousness are reached.
They also believe in obtaining spiritual enlightenment through sexuality, a system practiced at Golden Dawn, Fraternitas Saturni and even at O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis).
The followers of this school base their knowledge on the original work of Paschal Beverly Randolph, followed by Theodor Reuss and later Aleister Crowley.
In some Gnostic cults they used sexual energy (but without ejaculating, without reaching orgasm) to consciously ascend that energy, awakening kundalini.
An example of this school of sexual magick is the Samaelian Gnostic movement proposed by Samael Aun Weor.
There is an ancient and well-known ritual Hieros Gamos, (sacred marriage) This ritual was performed in Sumer, 5,500 years ago. In it, the high priestess assumed the role of the Avatar of the great goddess Inanna and had sex with the king or emperor, who assumed the role of the god Dumuzi, to show her acceptance by the goddess as the just ruler of that region.
Afro-Brazilian religious system.
It consists of invoking entities from a specific and extremely complex pantheon (orixás, eguns, and others), in order to obtain the favors of the incorporated entities; evocation also exists when making offerings of different things to the entities. It is basically a cult of white magic.
An improvement of the witchcraft system, wicca is a well-organized and systematized religion, with the practice of animal sacrifices, which was frequent in witchcraft, abolished.
Wicca emerged in England in the 1950s through Gerald Gardner. But he did not invent wicca, he just updated practices of ancient witchcraft that were practiced two thousand years ago, mixed these practices with the teachings of Kabbalah, magick and concepts of cultures and peoples, including Celtic.
There is a more elite branch of Wicca, Seax-Wicca, from the followers of Gerald Gardner, which seeks to improve Wicca by making it a less dogmatized cult than traditional Wicca.
Natural Magick:
It consists in the use of physical elements, in the form of performing acts of mummy magic (effigies of people, representing them, becoming receptacles of magical acts directed at you), as well as in the use of energetic baths, smoking, powders, ointments, etc., in order to obtain magical results.
Path Working:
Identical in everything to the Tattwas system, except that it uses drawings related to the spheres and paths (Patits, hence the name) of the tree of life, which is a cabalistic hieroglyph. Alternatively, you can use the secrets of different entities (aiming "via air" to the places inhabited by those), or even vévés (voodoo secrets), with the same purpose; self initiation.
Sometimes written Druidism. There is much in common between modern Druidry and Wicca (name given to witchcraft in English-speaking countries). The main differences lie in the mythology used in their rituals (the Celtic), in addition to the places of worship (between oak trees or stone circles).
Druidry can be summed up as a cult to Mother Nature in all her ritual manifestations.
Group magick have a greater impact, as there is an energetic accretion (of several people, minds in unison), so Covens have up to 13 members, some cults dozens of members.
Some of these paths we can call them religions (Umbanda is a religion), however, as they resort to rituals and magic I consider them to be magickal systems.
There are many other systems, such as Candomblé, Santeria, Palo Mayombe, Luciferism, Satanism, Goetia, but I will not go into details about these.
It consists of invoking entities from a specific and extremely complex pantheon (orixás, eguns, and others), in order to obtain the favors of the incorporated entities; evocation also exists when making offerings of different things to the entities. It is basically a cult of white magic.
An improvement of the witchcraft system, wicca is a well-organized and systematized religion, with the practice of animal sacrifices, which was frequent in witchcraft, abolished.
Wicca emerged in England in the 1950s through Gerald Gardner. But he did not invent wicca, he just updated practices of ancient witchcraft that were practiced two thousand years ago, mixed these practices with the teachings of Kabbalah, magick and concepts of cultures and peoples, including Celtic.
There is a more elite branch of Wicca, Seax-Wicca, from the followers of Gerald Gardner, which seeks to improve Wicca by making it a less dogmatized cult than traditional Wicca.
Natural Magick:
It consists in the use of physical elements, in the form of performing acts of mummy magic (effigies of people, representing them, becoming receptacles of magical acts directed at you), as well as in the use of energetic baths, smoking, powders, ointments, etc., in order to obtain magical results.
Path Working:
Identical in everything to the Tattwas system, except that it uses drawings related to the spheres and paths (Patits, hence the name) of the tree of life, which is a cabalistic hieroglyph. Alternatively, you can use the secrets of different entities (aiming "via air" to the places inhabited by those), or even vévés (voodoo secrets), with the same purpose; self initiation.
Sometimes written Druidism. There is much in common between modern Druidry and Wicca (name given to witchcraft in English-speaking countries). The main differences lie in the mythology used in their rituals (the Celtic), in addition to the places of worship (between oak trees or stone circles).
Druidry can be summed up as a cult to Mother Nature in all her ritual manifestations.
Stregheria is a term used for the ancient Italian Witchcraft, as well as to refer to a modern neo-pagan movement that emerged in Italy and the United States in order to rescue it. Stregheria is sometimes referred to as La Vecchia Religione ("the Old Religion"). It is an archaic Italian word for "witchcraft", the modern and commonly used Italian word being stregoneria. The practicing witch is a Strega.
Recently it is called the Aridian tradition or Arician tradition, a mixture of Wiccan and medieval Italy rites.
The word Aridian derives from Aradia, a character in books on witchcraft. Aradia was a female "Avatar" witch and goddess; who incarnated on Italy in Tuscany in the year 1313, to bring freedom to classes oppressed by the clergy and nobility, part of his story is told in the book "Aradia, the Gospel of the witches".
A group (cult) of practitioners in Wicca is called a Coven, in Stregheria is named: Boschetto.
Recently it is called the Aridian tradition or Arician tradition, a mixture of Wiccan and medieval Italy rites.
The word Aridian derives from Aradia, a character in books on witchcraft. Aradia was a female "Avatar" witch and goddess; who incarnated on Italy in Tuscany in the year 1313, to bring freedom to classes oppressed by the clergy and nobility, part of his story is told in the book "Aradia, the Gospel of the witches".
A group (cult) of practitioners in Wicca is called a Coven, in Stregheria is named: Boschetto.
Group magick have a greater impact, as there is an energetic accretion (of several people, minds in unison), so Covens have up to 13 members, some cults dozens of members.
Some of these paths we can call them religions (Umbanda is a religion), however, as they resort to rituals and magic I consider them to be magickal systems.
There are many other systems, such as Candomblé, Santeria, Palo Mayombe, Luciferism, Satanism, Goetia, but I will not go into details about these.